Yellow Dock Root (Rumex crispus) is quite a common weed
which is native to Europe as well as throughout parts of Asia. However it is
grown as a vegetable in Europe, and it is used as a medicinal herb in Asia.The
Yellow Dock Root may also be known as Curly Dock, Yellow Dock or Narrow Dock.
The plant is reddish brown, which grows in stalks about a meter high. It has
very smooth leaves with distinctive curls around the edges. There are flowers
that grow on these stalks that have seeds that get caught on wool and animal
fur to be distributed elsewhere to grow. It thrives in moist and heavy soils
along the roadsides and in some fields.The Yellow Dock Root has many benefits.
From being regarded as a general health tonic, it is also used for many
digestive tract disorders, various skin conditions and also for illnesses of
the respiratory tract.
Ancient Uses In ancient times, Yellow Dock Root was used in
traditional herbal medications as a health tonic to relive stress and
invigorate the body. It was also used as a poultice for common skin disorders
and for wounds. It significantly reduced skin inflammation and skin
irritation.Modern UsesThe modern use of the Yellow Dock Root is to relieve
common digestive tract disorders. It has a laxative effect due to the
anthraquinone glycosides content that this herb has. This content actually
works to stimulate the release of bile and various digestive enzymes to relieve
constipation and minor digestive disorders. Drinking Yellow Dock Root tea
preparations daily has also been known to cleanse your entire digestive system
to encourage healthy digestion and better absorption of nutrients. The Yellow
Dock Root is also a diuretic to relieve water retention and to facilitate
removal of toxins that can bring harm to the body organs. In the relief of some
minor respiratory illnesses, Yellow Dock Root is an expectorant that can loosen
phlegm and help relieve symptoms of colds, influenza and other lower
respiratory tract infections. Studies have also shown that Yellow Dock Root has
anti inflammatory properties that can alleviate the pain and swelling of joints
common in cases of arthritis and rheumatism.
Yellow dock (Rumex crispus) is leafy-green plant
distinguished by its yellow carrot-shaped root. In herbal medicine, it has a
long history of use as a detoxifying herb, as well as to support the skin and
liver; for those purposes it is often combined with dandelion root. A mild
laxative, it contains anthraquinone glycosides, the active
ingredients also found in senna leaf. A rich source of iron, yellow dock root
has been traditionally used to supply iron to the diet.
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